Workshops Dates
Workshops Dates

Workshops Dates

Data Literacy starts with five workshops during the summer to focus on learning electronics and building the sensors. September would focus on data literacy by collecting, analyzing, and visualizing air quality data. It would be twenty hours, and we would be using tableau.  

The total number of the cohort could range from 5 to 8 students.

The first workshops in August will be located in Bottom Line Jamaica Plain location and the September ones would be remote using Zoom. 

The final work will be exhibited from October 29 to December 19 at the Boston Cyberarts Gallery

Workshops are structured into two sections. 

Building the sensors:

During the last week of August, I will have four days of workshops of three hours

Each day will cover a different topic 

  • Day 1: Learning basic electronics, soldering, and components (In-person)
  • Day 2: Creating Devices (In-person)
  • Day 3: Upload programming, Testing Devices, and troubleshooting (In-person)
  • Day 4: Creating the Casings and second round of testing (In-person)
  • Day 5: Set up the sensor and troubleshoot on location to collect data for a month (Remote at each participant’s location)

Data Literacy Workshops:

This series will happen during September; The workshops will be happening for two hours twice a week. Eight workshops, with sixteen hours in total 

  • Week 1: What is Data, Data Literacy, and Data Storytelling
  • Week 2: How to collect data, best practices, and critical thinking to gather data 
  • Week 3: Clean and Analyze Data 
  • Week 4:  Best practices and creating visualization 
  • Week 5: Troubleshooting and office hours 
  • Week 6: Resume building skills and creation of the portfolio